My Blogs

Interior Design Blogs

Interior design blogs | Here for tips and inspiration…

Rebecca Logan Design styles and renovates homes across Auckland. Our interior design blogs are where we share our transformation stories, provide help with interior design ideas through our tips and tricks, offer product recommendations and keep you up to date on the latest style trends. Enjoy, and if you have any questions, please …

interior design blogs
Boring Interiors – how to avoid the pitfalls

Boring Interiors – how to avoid the pitfalls

Do you ever find that many interiors are boring and lack personality? If so, it’s time to stop designing your home with "resale" in mind. Otherwise you end up living in a generic uninteresting box that doesn’t even feel like yours! Yes your house may not appeal to the...

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Minimalism, how to make it cosy

Minimalism, how to make it cosy

Blog written for TradeMe Property August. Cosy Minimalism. It seems Kiwi's dream of sleek lines and no clutter... A recent poll of Kiwi who use Trade Me Property showed that 61% of people prefer a minimal home to a maximal one. But minimal doesn’t have to mean cold or...

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Rebecca Logan Design LOGO

Together we can create beautiful, distinctive homes with thoughtful, innovative designs and incredible craftsmanship without the headaches that are so common in building renovation tales today. If you’d like help with interior design or to speak to us about transforming the home you love, call 021 333 918.