Curtain Styles 101 – the ultimate guide

Curtain Styles 101 – the ultimate guide

I believe curtains are key to really making your home feel dressed, and they can completely transform a room. But with so many styles available, how do you know which one to pick? Below I’ll walk you through the key curtain styles and details, so you can help choose...
Boring Interiors – how to avoid the pitfalls

Boring Interiors – how to avoid the pitfalls

Do you ever find that many interiors are boring and lack personality? If so, it’s time to stop designing your home with “resale” in mind. Otherwise you end up living in a generic uninteresting box that doesn’t even feel like yours! Yes your house may not...
Minimalism, how to make it cosy

Minimalism, how to make it cosy

Blog written for TradeMe Property August. Cosy Minimalism. It seems Kiwi’s dream of sleek lines and no clutter… A recent poll of Kiwi who use Trade Me Property showed that 61% of people prefer a minimal home to a maximal one. But minimal doesn’t have to...
7 Kitchen Cabinet Ideas for Home Renovations

7 Kitchen Cabinet Ideas for Home Renovations

Kitchen cabinets and shelving are a critical factor when crafting a kitchen design for your big home interior renovation. Not only are they an important visual component of a cohesive kitchen design, but they also play an important role practically. Ensuring your...